Thursday, August 11, 2011

Scotland, Day 6 (yes, there are two Day 4s!)

Today we took our time in the morning and left at 2:30 to go to our second performance.  We hopped on the bus, actors dressed in their costumes and covered with ponchos so they wouldn't get wet.  We were in high spirits as we knew some people would attend this performance.  Sure enough!  In walked Aurora and her husband (from our high tea).  They had come to support us.  The producer and her main character from the Jewish children's play came as well.  She's so delightful.  Other teachers and students arrived as well.

During the performance, two young women laughed a lot, really understanding the plays.  Our new-found friends were engaged as well as was the rest of the audience.  Afterward, Aurora told me how clever the plays were and how much she'd enjoyed them.  The producer told Mr. Burt how impressed she was with the students' abilities to change roles so fast and stay in character. She also loved it.  Some of the students who observed also shared their positive comments.

When we returned tot he dorms, some of the kids stayed on campus to rest and four girls went to a short play (comedian).  In the evening we went to The Illiad, The Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 minutes or Less" which didn't end till after midnight.  We were tired.  It was a fast-paced play; for those who remember their Greek mythology, it was easier to follow.

This morning we saw the best school play so far: Hide and Seek.  Actors wore masks (terrifically designed)and mimed their short common events.  It went fast, acted out smoothly, and, at the same, comically.  Everyone in the theater was totally engaged. Before the play, we had 45 minutes, so most of us had tea and dessert.  They're really getting the hang of enjoying tea.

We leave at 4 PM for our third performance.  We hope it will go well. The pace is real fast.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsten, you made Chris Smith's column today! He's been following the blog :-)Great work!
